24h Self-CheckIn at the Hotel Kindler Leoben


Arrive and check in - around the clock

Many of our guests no longer want to be tied to fixed reception and arrival times. Vehicle breakdown, train delay, traffic jam or a surprising insertion date and the entire travel plan is already in disarray.

Our 24h Self-CheckIn machine ARIANE allows a stress-free, flexible and individual arrival. Short-notice changes do not matter, the check-in terminal is operational around the clock – 24 hours a day. Comfortable and safe. Self-check-in also eliminates the need to fill out the registration form. The guest data is transmitted digitally. At the end of the check-in process you will receive your room card and the invoice receipt.

Our housekeeping team needs some time to prepare your room as you expect it to be. Therefore, it may happen that check-in is only possible from 14:00. If you want to check in BEFORE 14:00, please contact us.

How the Self-CheckIn works

You’ll find a short list of tips to help you complete your check-in quickly and smoothly:

  • Please make sure that you enter your data completely and correctly when making your reservation. The check-in process is much faster and you don’t have to make any subsequent entries on the touchscreen.
  • Have your ATM or credit card ready. For both payment methods you need your PIN code. Payment is possible with the following cards:
    • Mastercard
    • VISA
    • V-pay
    • Maestro (ATM card, debit card)
    • Diners Club
  • Start the check-in process by selecting your preferred language on the touchscreen
  • After that, select the button “I have a reservation.”
  • Start by entering the name you gave when you made your booking. Usually 3 to 4 letters are enough.
  • Now simply follow ARIANE’s instructions on the touchscreen.
  • Pay for your stay with your card and PIN code
  • Please confirm your nationality – or select the correct one on the touch screen
  • Add any missing data for the digital registration form
  • Put your signature in the white field directly on the touchscreen
  • Now select whether ARIANE should encode one or two room cards for you.
  • Done – ARIANE now encodes your card(s) and prints your payment receipt

Your room card opens the sliding door in the entrance area.
So please always take them with you. Simply hold your card in front of the reader on the left in front of the sliding door.

You travel on behalf of your company?

We will be happy to arrange with your employer how payment is to be made and where we may send the invoice for your stay. As soon as this is clarified, the payment process is omitted for you at check-in.

You need a company invoice?

Our reception team will take care of it. In person or by calling +43 3842 43202.

Or you can simply leave us your company business card with your name and correct company address. You can also put your business card in the return box together with your room card. We will then send the invoice to the desired email address.

Do you have any further questions about your stay at Hotel Kindler 2.0?
Take a look at our FAQ section. There we answer many questions about your stay with us.

Do you have any questions about CheckOut?
We also have a section in our FAQ section for you.

No satisfactory answer found?
We are happy to be there for you! You can reach us by phone at +43 3842 43202 or send us an e-mail to office@kindler.at.

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Werte Gäste,

das Hotel Kindler 2.0 ist vom 23.12.2024 bis einschließlich 05.01.2025 geschlossen. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch ab 06. Jänner 2025 wieder bei uns in Leoben begrüßen zu dürfen.

Unser Schwesterbetrieb Hotel Kongress ist in dieser Zeit gerne für euch da! 

Das Team des Hotel Kindler 2.0 wünscht schöne Feiertage und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!


On Thursday 10.10.2024 there will be changes due to an event. Please follow the link for all information.