We will send you a non-binding offer!
We are happy to make sure that your school trip is an unforgettable experience.
By filling in the form, you help us to understand what you need.
More information = better offer
The more information you share with us, the better we can prepare your offer.
Still unsure yourself?
Let us know the most important key points (= mandatory fields).
We will clarify everything else in a personal meeting.
A telephone number would be great for this!
Would you rather talk to us straight away?
The number is +43 3842 43202.
Or send us an e-mail to office@kindler.at
Your details in the form will only be used to process your request.
You will not receive any other emails or advertising from us.
© 2022 Hotel Kindler – Design & Development by CodesDelivery
das Hotel Kindler 2.0 ist vom 23.12.2024 bis einschließlich 05.01.2025 geschlossen. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch ab 06. Jänner 2025 wieder bei uns in Leoben begrüßen zu dürfen.
Unser Schwesterbetrieb Hotel Kongress ist in dieser Zeit gerne für euch da!
Das Team des Hotel Kindler 2.0 wünscht schöne Feiertage und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!